Well, our little bundle is nearly four weeks old. Eric still doesn't quite understand and keeps asking, 'But how old IS he?' When I tell him in weeks, he is confused, but when I say he is zero--no years yet, that doesn't make sense in his little mind either, because how can he be zero--he's here, born, isn't he? So cute!
Ethan is so fun! I wondered if the younger kids would show signs of jealousy and to my surprise and joy, instead, they just love on that poor boy day and night! He has been kissed, hugged and kissed so much, there is no doubt how much he is loved! He is a good baby and mostly patient when I have to put him down to take care of a sibling. He sleeps well in his carseat (what baby of mine hasn't?) He makes lots of grunts and even some coos now, too. I love it! As I sit and nurse, I love to stroke his cheeks and wonder how we are ever going to survive when I go back to work. I know Jim can handle it--but I am going to miss him so much (the other boys, too, but mostly the time with the baby. I am going to get very good at planning lessons, writing tests and assignments one-handed as I hold my last little baby as much as possible once I get home each day! We will survive. We have to. We are from strong, good stock and we will do what we have to . . .