So I am a Halloween freak! I love it less than Christmas, but not by much. I think it's because I like to dress up almost as much as the kids do. If I remember correctly, I liked to dress up as a kid myself. I didn't have the time or energy to go as crazy as I have in the past, but we did have a good time the week before Halloween (we didn't trick or treat on Sunday). We went to the Halloween carnival that the youth in our ward put together--it was Ethan's maiden voyage to a church activity. He slept the entire time (despite my friend Jennifer's efforts (she loves to hold him). But Amelie, Eric and Tanner had a blast and Billy worked the haunted maze that the Young Men put together.
Then on Friday, we went to the Whitefish Mall carnival and played games and trick-or-treated tot he stores for two hours. We went with friends and had a blast!
Saturday, we attended the tri-ward Trunk or Treat. I didn't really decorate the car much (last year we won for our car decorations)--I just didn't have time. But we had fun, anyway. Tanner opted to sleep through the entire event (I woke him when we got to the church parking lot and asked him if he wanted to sleep or trick-or-treat and he said sleep. I even asked him a second time because I was so amazed with his choice. Amelie and Eric gathered plenty to share with all of us, though--and we handed out quite a bit, too. So, by Saturday afternoon, we had celebrated plenty and were ready to hang up the costumes for a while.
Now we are rubbing our extended bellies and enjoying the cosutmes we got for next year at 90% off--don't worry, they will be well broken in by next Halloween! Hope you had a Happy Halloween!