Friday, August 6, 2010

HP prep

I admit it--I am a huge Harry Potter fan. This morning, I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (book 7--the last one) for the second time. Now I am ready for the first movie in November. I cried, again, like a baby throughout the last few chapters. I love the point that love and sacrifice are some of our greatest tools against evil forces. Love is a powerful tool and a tremendous strength that I think we underestimate far too often. Aside from the fact that I think the books are very well written--captivating, even, I am also impressed with the character development of a young man so willing to risk his life, over and over, to save others from suffering. And what do they do, those whom he tries to protect? They stand up, support him and even fight evil beside him. It reiterates the power of one so selfless who perhaps does not seek to be a leader, but rises to the occassion as because he is loved. Anyway, just a few thoughts on one of my all time favorite books. Can't wait to see the movies. November is far enough away, and next July seems ages to wait, but the book was well worth the time investment!


Rebekah said...

I'm a big Potter fan, too... as are my sons. We are excited to see the movie in November, too. I hesitate to re-read the book again, however, because then I'll be thinking about how the movie is different instead of just enjoying it as the great cinematic event of the year as I know it will be (along with Eclipse, of course).

Allen Family said...

I know--I no longer do that, especially with Harry Potter as the books are so long and detailed that we would be in the theatre all night if it told everything. I re-read to refresh my memory with all the details they don't have time to include. :) Then I can be the annoying person who fills in the blanks for my hubby who doesn't know all the extra stuff that they can't squeeze into the movie.